Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Busy Body

Here is Stu in his 'Dad' outfit and teaching Jack how to make his first network cable.

Pop will be proud.
Playgroup is the most awesome part of the week. Jack loves this doll house and it's awesome that he can play with kids his age and younger in a caring and happy way.

William has friends his age at playgroup too but he keeps his eyes on his best buddy and gets excited when Jack comes to play with him too.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Click on the picture below to admire the detail of Jack's art. It's all his own ideas. The dinosaur has teeth and there are footprints going over the mountains towards the treasure.

He is modest about his art. He is like, what's the big deal?


Stu says he can see Molly in this cheeky grin.

Guess what William's latest trick is? Jack taught him to say CHEESE!

Friday, June 25, 2010


I guess it was planned to be 3 years later but it's still freaking me out that William's first movie was Shrek. Exactly 3 years ago it was Jack's first movie too. Just like Jack - he loved it!


William thinks its great that he has discovered his feet.

My Beautiful Boy

So it's not just me who thinks so....

The 16 finalists will be printed in the Canberra Weekly magazine edition Monday 12th July. There will be another chance to vote online from Sunday 11th July until Sunday 18th July.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Double the laughs

I had an 'ahh' moment this afternoon. Despite both the boys and I being sick with a cold they still manage to make me laugh. They do this in the car all the time.

Ahhh... that is why we needed two.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A couple more


Today was a truly beautiful day and we have all been blessed. Blessed with a perfect baby and a loving family.

Friends who we love.

God brothers and sisters.

A blessing from above.

Beautiful kids that endure 9 hours in the car to come and be a part of William's special day.

God mothers

And friends

with spirited souls.

Thanks to mum especially who has dish pan hands and left the house without a single dish to be done. Mwah.

Today was magical.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Baptism

Here are my helpers and the Christening Cupcake tower that we made today.

And this is William's first rusk. Do you think he liked it? It was the first quiet 30minutes Jack and I had ALL DAY.

Friday, June 18, 2010

VOTE for my boys in beanies

Everytime you see a computer from now until Thursday please log on and VOTE for Jack.

We all know William is cute but Jack wants to be the WINNER!

Go Here


AND Here


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5 months

Look at his baby-ness. The chubby legs and the big blue eyes.

William you melt your mum's heart.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Love the double chins


William has Oscar to thank for sharing his Jolly Jumper. William loved jumping around but only when he had an audience. Every time Jack or Mum walked away he yelled out for attention.

He hasn't stopped blowing bubbles at us all day. This is his happy face.

And I was having another case of de ja vous this afternoon. Not sure why?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lesson Learnt

Don't let your husband go out and pick the new quilt cover on his own. Don't do it.

William is 5 months old tomorrow. He is full of attitude and we love him.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Spring Clean

While the boys were doing the lawns and the gardening Mum was supplying snacks and making sure to get great photos of William in his hat.

I am addicted to cute baby hats and shoes. Even the 3 year old ones are just so CUTE!

This one was actually prior to the clean up. Bunnings is actually the ONLY place that Jack likes to shop other than 'Woolies' of course.

Monday, June 7, 2010

de ja vue

It's really weird. The similarities are uncanny.

The difference is that this time I know that time is so precious and this moment when my babies are so small will flash before my eyes. So I cuddle them and kiss them and I'm not in any rush for them to grow up.

SO proud!