Friday, August 27, 2010


I love the way they smile. Jack closes his eyes and William scrunches his nose.
They are my babies :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cutest Baby

I loved how they captured his wonky smile and how he holds his toes.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SNOW in Holt!

Gye dumped a load of snow on our front yard for Jack today after a drive up the mountains. He told all of his friends he had to go home because there was snow at his house when I went to pick him up, he was so excited!

William and Elizabeth thought it was pretty funny to watch Jack throw snowballs at his mum.

Thanks Gye!

The Teeth

You might need to click on the photos to actually see the teeth :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2 teeth

William has 2 teeth and has also discovered how to pull himself up in his cot. Soon he'll be lining up for his driver's license!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jack Stanley

Some people have commented that the boys look just like each other. One woman even asked if they came from the same egg?? Crazy. The checkout lady at Woolies often asks William where his 'twin' brother is. What do you reckon?

William Gregory

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sick Bubs

The brothers have a cold and it's miserable.

Poor boys. At least this time there are no infections and antibiotics. It's just a cold!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Some of my favourite photos are the candid everyday shots from the iphone.


William got his first tooth today after many tears :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


If this is what Stu calls 'mild' 4WD'ing then I don't want to do any sort of serious 4WD'ing! 2 hours following the adventure I still have sea-legs.

We went driving to see if there was any more snow. Jack had a great idea to bring a bucket and spade but after almost an hour of driving all we found was rocks and dust so we set up camp by the road and this time we had hot sausages and hot chocolate. Jack dug in the dirt and was happy to make piles of dirt and rocks while lunch cooked. Stu wanted to drive just 20 more minutes down the track despite everyone else being ready for home but just 5 minutes further there was a beautiful river.

Then of course there was a river crossing. Jack sat up front and was super excited about driving across the water. "One more river Daddy!" So over they went about 5 times.

It was warm in the sun and the sound of the waterfall was behind us. Such a peaceful place. Jack was in awe on the beautiful water. "Wow Daddy, it's awesome!"

Stu said, 'We are SO doing this again!'

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lego Train and Chaos at the Station!


It was very hard not to touch the Lego that was just at the WRONG height. Jack's favourite was Wall E.

We waited patiently in line for over an hour to see Canberra's first Lego Expo. There were over 5000 visitors. Mum didn't know it would be so popular AND so crowded! It was a bit hectic.

Jack was amazed and mesmerised.

Mum was pretty impressed too but William was so worn out from the waiting that he took a nap while Jack and I watched the Lego movies on the big screen.


The story goes, "Are you a frog like me? No I'm not a frog. My ____ is too _____."

So Jack is reading at age 3. Genius!

Also getting into some trouble. He he!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Umm.. no but we can do the commando crawl backwards.
It's SO FRUSTRATING when the toy moves further and further away!!

But posing we are good at that.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Peas and Carrots

Jack has been at home for 6 weeks and this time I was not looking forward to him going back to daycare for 2 days a week. He has been such a wonderful helper and brings me nappies, eats lunch with me and we take a nap in the afternoons together. He and William have started to play together and Jack passes Will his toys and his dummy when he cries. Will loves to watch Jack role play wth dinosaurs.

I knew it would be hard but I didn't realise how much William would understand. Today when we dropped Jack off Will remembered the place and watched Jack walk up the driveway and immediately burst into tears, kicking and carrying on. He screamed and cried for the next 20 minutes in the car. When he finally gave up he slept for 10 minutes and woke up looking for Jack and was grizzly for the next hour until he finally went down for a good sleep. After the good sleep he continued to search for Jack the whole day. He refused to be put on the floor where he usually plays with his best friend and cried real tears when I left him to go to the bathroom.

His eyes lit up when we picked Jack up at 3. He smiled and giggled and reached out to Jack. Jack and I even think we heard him say 'JA JA!' Jack told his buddy all about his adventures and the fun that he had.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Circus in Royalla

Here are the BIRTHDAY PEOPLE. We all share a birthday on Wednesday next week!

Oscar enjoyed his first cake and didn't quite know what to make of all the fuss.

These two caused chaos and this was probably the only quiet moment of the whole evening. It lasted about 5 seconds.


We really lucked out on the weather again this weekend. It was so beautiful up in the Brindabella ranges this morning that we didn't even need beanies or big coats. Jack was super excited to see his first snow and knew exactly what to do when we got there he rolled up a big snow ball and threw it at Stu. William laughed and laughed and thought it was hilarious. We had vegemite sandwiches for lunch although we all agreed that a camp stove and some sausages would have filled the spot better.

Jack enjoyed his first real snow cone.

William was in awe of the white ground cover and touched and tasted it. He was so amazed he wouldn't even look at the camera.

And Jack's first snow man.

Daddy was pretty impressed with the joy to be found in driving through the mud.