Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Soccer Training

Jack's first soccer training was a huge success. He loved soccer more than anything. He ran circles around the coaches, kicked goals and made some new friends.

Mum was so proud of him following the teachers instructions and staying focused for a whole hour.

Dad was impressed with his ball skills and said he wished he could come to watch every week.

William wanted to get into the action but he had a great time on the sidelines.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bright Eyes

William has been sleeping 'like a baby.' It's been 3 Weeks since he woke up for a night feed and it's had a great effect on his overall mood (and mine). Here he is, bright and happy when I walked in to get him up from his 2 hour nap this afternoon.

Ok you know I'm cute!

Now pick me up!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Geared Up

Jack's excited about his first soccer training at the ANU tomorrow.

Dad's even coming to watch! On the weekend even!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

So much help!

William is starting to climb on everything. It's scary. He is always right by my side but sometimes my reflexes have to be fast to avoid moments like these.

Red Racer quilt cover

Who am I to deny my favourite 3 year old a red racer quilt cover?

October 31st 2007

This is Jack. In exactly the same week 3 years ago. Only difference was that Jack had 4 teeth and William already has 5. They are even sporting the same hair do.

It's so scary I can see history repeating. I think I'll upgrade my medical insurance!

Milestone - Standing by myself 9.5 months

Here is the boy who is getting very good at standing by himself. No strings attached. God help us when he figures out how to run!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10 things my mother taught me about motherhood

1. Most importantly she taught me how to swaddle a baby and rock/pat the baby to sleep. Mind you she only did this 3 days after my first baby was born and it had been almost 3 DAYS without sleep!

2. She taught me the importance of family dinners and holiday traditions.

3. She taught me how to make the most delicious and moist cupcakes with a dollop of cream and butterfly wings.

4. On marriage she taught me how to be a good wife. Firstly to be good friends and then the rest will follow. Oh and let him buy a really big 4WD.

5. The importance of siblings. When it came to taking on kids who called my brother names or teased my little sister, we always looked out for each other. And when I really, really didn't want to be my sister's bridesmaid. She made me do it. "Fine, forget it. You'll regret it if you aren't there for your sister" and she was right. All the dress fittings and high heal shoes at 6 months pregnant were totally worth it.

6. Which leads to using her 'mother power' to influence our decisions which I am starting to use on Jack. It's a fine mix of reverse psychology, silent treatment and a touch of guilt. If things get really serious you could add a tear. 'If you are silly at the shops Mum will be very, VERY upset.' It works a treat! Somehow it still seems to work on me. See no. 5.

7. If the floors are mopped the whole house feels so much cleaner.

8. How to let go. They aren't in bed by 7.30pm and you let them eat jelly for dessert 2 nights in a row. Give up on perfection, at least the floors were mopped.

9. On feeding a family on a budget. Buy your meat on special. Eat left overs and once a week do a 'pick ups' dinner of eggs on toast.

10: She taught me that you are never, ever too old to hug your mummy.

This post was inspired by AlphaMom. What did your mum teach you about motherhood?

With thanks to my MUM!


We found the strangest thing in our backyard just the other day...

There were over 7000 bees that had decided to make a home in a patch of clover. The scary bit was that just a few days before that, Molly, Oscar and Jack had run out into the backyard on their own while I was still making a bottle for William and a cuppa for Rach after her 4 hour drive. Too many, "what ifs?"

But the bee man came promptly and used a gentle broom to sweep them into a shoe box. After a few were in there the rest ran into the box too. Some 500 odd bees wanted to stay despite the rain and windy weather so he came back again and got them all this time.

After only 24 hours in the box they had already started to make it their home and they built a honey comb. They will have made 60kgs of hunny by February in their new hive in Kaleen. Jack thought they were the most interesting visitors.


We are really going to miss playgroup. What a great group of people with such gorgeous kids!

Jack, Connor (white jumper) and Thomas (not shown) will be going to the same pre school next year.

William is having a chat with his girlfriend Analise and Dylan who is a twin born just a week before him. Makayla (on the left) is Dylan's big sister and she is 2.

And here is Jack playing 'vet' at home. Just to be random!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just a Touch Up

Jack's bed had a few minor scratches on so we bought a tin of touch up paint and a splash of red for the spoiler and it all looks like new! The bedside table had some major scratches and with a light sand and two coats of the same touch up paint it looks fantastic.

And here is William at the Playgroup Expo today. He thought it was pretty great riding on dad's shoulders.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Iphone 4

This is what Jack thinks of mums new iPhone.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

For My Nan

Another Milestone

Luckily for me breast feeding was easy. It was FREE and didn't require any heating or washing bottles. I planned on feeding them both until their first birthday but right on 9 months old William decided to wean himself. They both needed to have a bottle once a day from 6 months so that I could occasionally get my hair done or go to work but other than that I fed both exclusively from 3.5kgs until until they were over 8kgs.

In some cultures the woman and her child are honored after weaning, since they have each completed a major passage from one stage of life to another. So as I haven't fed my last baby in over a week, I feel my body has adjusted and is once again my own so I will honor it with a jug of Margarita. Although I am somewhat sad that my babies aren't dependent on only me anymore and my biggest baby is starting preschool soon. I find happiness in the fact that for over a week I have slept for 8 hours solid every night and I feel SO GOOD.

Thank God for bottles and formula! Amen.

Oh and Dads are pretty good too.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Number 1 Racer

Jack was spoilt today. We found this bed on the all classifieds for $50 and thought a special boy might like it. He said when he saw it, 'It is so exciting! I'm going to be the number 1 racer in my car!'

When it was all set up Jack said, 'Can we go to bed now?' William thought it was pretty cool to get a story in the car before bed too.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Before setting off for home this morning we met Molly and Oscar at Lollipops in an attempt to wear them out before the 4hour car ride home. Molly showed Uncle Mike how the slide thing worked.

Molly looked especially cute in curly blond pony tails.

Oscar was having a photogenic day where his blue eyes were piercing. Pop, Uncle Dan and Uncle Bozo have the same bright blue eyes and blond hair.

And William was as crazy as ever.

Oscar at 14months

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tash & Sam

Tash and Sam were married at the Hellenic Club today. It was the most gorgeous warm spring day after a recent cold snap.

Uncle Bozo wore a shirt and tie for the first time since his own wedding and he was clearly so proud of his kids today.

I was dressed by Aunty Ren and I had the cutest little date.

Nan was clucky over 8 week old baby Hayley.

Sam was welcomed to the family. He is a top bloke.

Trying to get a photo of the 6 great grandchildren was a trick!

But finding the money shot was easy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thanks Aunty Rach

Thanks for the puzzles Aunty Rach!

Lunch Date

Some of our FAVOURITE peeps showed up for lunch this morning!

William showed Oscar the baby train table and how it all works.

And Molly had the best hair I have ever seen after a 4 hour car trip!

Look at those blond curls.

And a bit more Mister Maker Art

4 Milestones this week!

William is having one of those weeks where he is mastering new skills.

1. Smile when the camera comes out.

2. Clapping hands and singing along. "Ahhhhhh"

3. Putting balls into his Fisher Price Dinosaur


We are happy to post about this since he has slept through the night for 6 nights in a row. From 8pm till 8am we have SLEEP! So it seems all that he needed was some extra milk and we cut out the nap before dinner and he sleeps! On a sad note he is now fully bottle fed but 9 months of breast feeding is a good start. The really sad part is that now mummy must actually get off the couch to burn some extra calories and she might have to give up donuts.