Jack set up the sign and turned the lights on. He put the carrot out for the reindeer and some coke and cookies for Santa. He had about 5 million questions about how and when Santa would deliver and how Baby Jesus and God were involved. Even after a whole month of preparations he still had so. many. questions!

He slept in until after 7 but ran straight into the lounge room and called for us to see. Santa had been and he has never been so excited in his life! All Jack wanted for Christmas was a telescope and he got one and you should have seen his EYES when he opened it!

William loved his little trolley and he got a block trolley from Santa too. William was super excited and pushed his new toys around all morning.

We took a 4 tier black forest cake to Grandpa's house. It was soaked with brandy and had layers of belgium chocolate mousse, 1kg of candied cherries and vanilla cream. Topped with ganache and fresh cherries. It was the best Christmas cake ever!

William was excited to have milk and a cookie for morning tea.

He even helped Grandpa with the dishes.
Duncan boys 2010
After a sleep we went to Nanna's and Pop's place and opened more and more presents!

Oscar's Drum Set was the favourite toy of the day and Jack and Molly played Jingle Bells.

We had another hot lunch and Oscar and William loved it.
The Motbey's 2010
Loretta and Carmen came and showered us with even more presents.

Pop was exhausted from a very early start.

Jack and William had the best and most magical Christmas. We were all very spoilt and are so, so lucky!

And William LOVES trifle!