Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baby Love

The boys were spoilt today on Mum's last day of holidays. Jack scored all the snakes an dinosaurs from trash & tresh. They provided hours of entertainment while William napped.

We had a lovely time at Elizabeth's First birthday. We had a great lunch and the boys enjoyed the new playground. William had to call Elizabeth to wake up from her nap and come to the party.

She was a bit shocked by all the people when she first woke up.

Jules found William's first baby at the hall markets (a real baby born and such a bargain) and Jack got the cot for $5! William knew just what to do with his baby and gave it a walk and a bottle and then put it to bed. Sorry Jules but Jack and I dressed her up as a boy. :)

Back to work I go. *sigh*

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Last week of holidays

The last week has been busy and so much fun. We got a new buffet and Stu (and Anthony) finally finished the garden beds at the front of the house.

Hey Mum, guess what? All those new drawers are FULL of stuff!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Here is Jack with his craft from this morning. He has been crafting up a storm since Nan gave him paints and foam bits an pieces for easter.

Also behind him you can see the new BAR FRIDGE for the deck. Thanks to Jules an Claire for this freebie!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny was good to the Duncan boys and William got straight into the eggs.

William thinks hippo's say MOO too.

Easter Breakfast for three. It's messy but fun.

He was still into the eggs after Dad got home from work!

They were both proud of their egg hunt find!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Saturday Steam Train

It was a gorgeous warm Autumn morning and we were off to catch the steam train to Queanbeyan.

It should have been called the 'snack train' because before the train had left the station the boys were asking 'What's to eat?'

It was a 45min round trip and the boys were amazed by the sounds and experience of the steam engine.

Jack was intimidated by the size and noise of the train at first but soon got the idea that it was just like the 'story train' and he was amazed by it all.

Happy Easter!

Good Friday in Bemboka

Aunty Ren traveled with us to Bemboka for the day while poor Dad had to work. He took a fresh prawn roll for lunch with aioli which looked delicious.

Here is William telling us what the cows say.

And I love how he is dragging Jack down the hill to help sort out some tools for Nan's MONSTER garage sale.

Jack's favourite past time is garage sales and trash and tresh so he he was right into setting things up for Nan and sorting out the treasures.

I helped too! And feeling good after loosing 7.3kgs this term. Can you tell?

It wasn't long before Jack was off for his first ride in the new Jeep with Nan & Pop.

They took an adventure to watch the milking at the dairy. It was Loretta & Jack's first time in the dairy and they were a bit surprised by how messy it all was.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Break

William enjoyed his first soft boiled egg with soldiers before we set off on our holiday.

The boys were excited to explore the holiday house. Jack was excited to sleep on the top bunk for the first time and William was more interested in the pots and pans.

On a late afternoon beach walk the boys got to see people catching fish and reversing their boats out. The rock pools were full of interesting creatures.

We had an early coffee the next day and a visit to the wildlife park. Jack held a snake and asked the ranger if she knew Bindi. William loved feeding the 'wobbily' as Jack called it.

Later that night we enjoyed a bbq with fresh seafood. Jack and Mum watched Alice in Wonderland snuggled in a blanket in the open air cinema under the stars while William had an early bedtime.

William woke up early on our last morning and he was so happy to see Jack when he finally got up. Jack thought this would be a good place to watch tv from. William thought it would be a good place to wrestle.

They both spent hours riding around the park. Jack made heaps of friends and William loved being outside all day.

Mum enjoyed the 3 hour lunch cruise up the river and was excited to watch the dolphin playing in the waves in front of the boat.

The holiday was complete with an ice cream.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All because two people fell in love.

It was just a bunch of flowers that started it all.

Don't ask why he's in trouble ;)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

As if you didn't need MORE deck photos!

I now have the perfect spot to watch the boys play while cooking dinner on the natural gas bbq and listening to Dido. William wants to be outside nearly all of the time.

Lemons and Limes. Stu is looking forward to putting a path in here too.

The full view shows that there is still some work to do with raising the height of the ground on the left. Stu wants to pave it all but he doesn't yet realise that we aren't MADE OF MONEY :)

The table and chairs fit in perfectly. This is my piece of heaven.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Deck has Lights!

Stu and I spent half the day oiling the timber on the deck and gate. The result is beautiful and we had time to spare so we started another garden bed after enjoying an Ona coffee.

The lights/ power/ bug zapper went in last week but the heaters are lost on a shipping container somewhere at sea. Their estimated arrival was sometime last week!

But it's so beautiful at night.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bike Baby

William probably loves the deck the most. It gives him the perfect space to ride around in circles and have Tori follow behind. He puts his water bottle in his trailer and off he goes.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


It was the most beautiful Autumn Day so we headed off to the markets after turning the clocks back.

The boys shared a mini sorbet ice cream and got to choose a ride.

This is another 'first' for William. His first ice cream.

He giggled every time he flew past Jack and I as we waved and called out, 'HI WILLIAM!'