Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Jack played with Aunty Ren today and while he was there William was enjoying the one on one attention. We rode our bike all the way to Kippax!

And Will was feeling particularly photogenic when we were playing with Tori.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back to work Mum goes

The boys have spent hours hanging out at the pool.

Jack and Stu have been building this since Christmas. The police even have a Lego coffee machine!

William started swimming lessons and he is a natural in the water.

The boys helped to make red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing. They were delicious!

Align Center

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Taking the Training Wheels

These happy little Aussies were enjoying Australia Day lunch at the grand opening of the Lane's sun room.

After Dad came home from work we finally convinced Jack to take his training wheels off. He was so ready!

We were so proud and excited so we celebrated with chocolate sundaes after dinner.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The pirate party

Pass the Parcel

Skull and Cross bone fairy bread

The treasure chest cake for Jack

The pirate ship cake for William

Pin the treasure on the map

Treasure Hunt

Jack turns 5

Jack's new bike!
We went to the movies and saw Chipmunks with Aunty Erin and Jack was allowed to choose lunch so sushi was on the menu.

After William had a nap we rode around the block on the new bike. No crashes yet.

Jack's favourite present was the real life 'Angry Birds' game that he has been playing for weeks on the iPad.

Grandpa and the Uncles came over for Spaghetti for dinner and the dog cake was delicious.

Uncle James has been promoted to the favourite uncle since buying Jack the Iron Hide Transformer for his birthday.

William's Birthday

William slept in until 8am on his birthday. Jack was beginning to think William had forgotten what day it was!

John and Jules shouted a game of birthday bowling.

We had Macdonalds for lunch (William's choice) and Will got to try out his new balance bike.

Grandpa helped to make pizza dough and we had pizza and chocolate cake for dessert.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Angel Incident

Jack was mucking around in his bed when he was meant to bed going to sleep when we heard him coughing and choking. When we got there it was too late and he had swallowed a pewter pocket angel. We met Nanna at the hospital and Aunty Erin stayed with William. We didn't get a bed until almost 5am when we had seen several Doctors and Nurses who decided to try flushing the angel out with a nasal gastric tube. The doctor didn't think it would work but said it was worth a try. If the angel hadn't moved by 10am then we would have a surgery that day.

It wasn't any fun to be hooked up to the tube which made it difficult to move around and made Jack feel terribly sick. The 10am Xray showed the angel had started to move but the bowel was backed up behind. The Doctor would decide at 3pm if he needed to cut it out and everyone was amazed by the size of the angel 4.5x2.5cms but we couldn't find the humor in the xray.

We found some peace in the Starlight room and it was good to have a break from the stress. Jack and I did a painting.

After we woke from a nap we went to the bathroom and the angel appeared. The Doctor couldn't believe it and we jumped for joy! Within an hour the nasal tube was out and Jack was able to eat.

We shared a room with two other boys and their families who weren't going home any time soon. It makes us feel twice as lucky and thankful for the healthy children we have. We will say a prayer for them but we won't be sending any angels.