Saturday, February 28, 2015

Best Friends Forever

The first 4 weeks of school have gone by so fast. William is now confident enough to walk in and out with Jack. Jack won his first swimming ribbon and he was so proud.

Will gets exhausted by the end of the week. He's made so many new friends and his teacher is lovely.

Sam came to sleep over and there was Good Berries, Slug Terra, movies, popcorn and bike rides up and down the street.

Canberra Show


Sunday, February 8, 2015

William's First Day of School

William was so excited about his first day at school that he woke up at 6am. He was ready to go with his shiny new shoes. Stu dropped him off as I headed out to make an inspiring 'first day' speech to 270 year 7 students in my new role as Year Co.

It all went smoothly and William found his way around with Jack right there to show him where to put his bag and very importantly, where to find after school care!

Australia Day - Soccer Camp - Truck Convoy

Stu decided he needed to make brisket for Australia Day lunch and Janet bought a delicious selection of sushi and cheese. We drank Brown Brothers and the kids ate zooper doopers on a very mild Australia Day.

William enjoyed his first school holiday camp at the AIS. He kept up with the big kids and loved playing soccer for two whole days. It was just lovely to see Jack holding his hand and carrying his bag for him. What a great big brother!

The boys waited for an hour on the bridge to see Gye's truck in the cancer convoy. They were just about to give up when they spotted him.

Grace, Jack and William's Big Splash Birthday

The urban family was reunited at Big Splash after many weeks apart. We celebrated with some extra special GF rainbow chocolate cakes and many times up and down the slides.

William (above) conquered his fear of the big slide and he was exactly on the line for the high restrictions. He felt so proud after he went down the first time. He did it again and again.

Jack wasn't too sure about the slides either and was panicked as he climbed the stairs. He watched Beth and Grace go first then followed suit. He came down with the biggest grin on his face "I DID IT!"  

Jack also conquered the blow up obstacle course. It took him a couple of goes but he got it!

Sydney Family and Bemboka Family

It was a freezing day when we met the Sydney family in Goulburn. Kasey is growing so tall and starting high school this year.

Nan took us all to see the Penguins of Madagascar at Dendy for an end of school holidays treat. We ate way too much popcorn.

Baby chook is bigger than her sisters now. William was excited to tell Pop in Bemboka about his chooks.

Nan is always amazed at how tall the boys are when I take them down to see her. Jack is really catching up.

William showed Nan how to play chess and we had a lovely time just spending time with Nan. She cooked us a roast chicken for dinner which was just perfect.

 We shared presents and Nan bought the boys more Lego. They love playing with the city they've created.