It's been a very wet and cold week in Canberra so we've spent more time inside than usual. We cleaned out all the baby toys and found some toys the boys had forgotten about. William really enjoyed the sorting but he wanted to keep everything.
We broke up the week with Bowling, iPlay and Let's Play.
We spent some time with Tommy while Nanna groomed Tori.
Tori loved having her hair cut.
In between high winds and storms we caught a few breaks and found some Geo-cache treasures.
The boys did a Bunnings DIY workshop which was fantastic fun. They both made spice rack along with 50 other children.
After an iPhone auto-correct error we went to "iPlay" and then discovered that half of the urban family was at "Let's Play." On the way home Jack said with a smirk on his face, "Well, that actually worked out pretty well."