Sunday, August 16, 2015

Triple Birthday Celebrations

After weeks of freezing temperatures in Canberra everyone was looking forward to 2 days over 15 degrees. It was the perfect weather for a trip to the Canberra Zoo. 

Stu is feeling so much better and didn't have any trouble keeping up with the crazy cousins. 

It's a bit special that Oscar, Mike and I share our birthday so the celebrations are always TRIPLE!

We saw the newest part to the zoo and enjoyed seeing all the extra space for the animals. William's favourite is the Cheetah.

Winter Weekends

I was so proud to pick Jack up from school with a second place ribbon for the 70m race. 

Our luck must be changing because we enjoyed dinner with friends and won a meat tray. 

Jack scored a goal and William scored 3!

It was so cold that it even snowed in North Canberra on Wednesday. William spent the morning learning to use the sewing machine and he helped me to make the tail for his fox costume.

Photos by Kelly Gladwin

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Accidents and Injuries

It was late on Saturday night when Stu fell unconscious behind the wheel and then all of this happened...

It was nothing short of a miracle that the car ended up where it did. Unfortunately the story didn't just end there. Stu suffered a major seizure in the ED and didn't become conscious for many hours so they did a lumbar puncture and started to treat him for meningitis.  

Another 24 hours later and 6 bags of antibiotics in and he started to feel better. After a few days all of the results came back negative so we were able to go home. 

The recovery has been slow but we have spent the last week just celebrating life. When Stu has had some energy I've dragged him out for movies, milkshakes and lunch. We've had a tough couple of weeks but every day is slightly brighter.

What a good thing to have insurance! 


William made this race car at a Bunnings workshop. 

We spent the most freezing days of July ice skating and bike riding.  

We spent a day in Bemboka and drove past the snow on the top of the brown mountain. William managed to convince Pop to swap Charlotte and her mother for two laying knuckle bar chickens.