Will is 8 weeks old today and we are all getting much more sleep. Although Jack is still learning to cope without the one to one attention, he loves his little brother so much.
William has his own routine and he settles to sleep within minutes. He wakes twice a night to feed and has thrown in a few nights where he only woke once. He feeds every two hours during the day and when he's awake he smiles constantly and watches Jack play. His favourite spot is the bouncer chair where he can get the best view of Jack.
Will has officially outgrown his 0000 clothes and his newborn nappies and this time we aren't saving them but we are passing them onto baby Drainey who is due in 6 weeks. We are excited to see out little man out of the 'newborn' stage. Newborn babies are cute but they are hard work!
So beautiful Bec. They are treasures.