Sunday, September 5, 2010

Father's Day

Wild weather swept across Canberra this weekend and it rained more in one day than it usually does for the whole month of August. There were trees down and blustery winds. It made me ask Stu about 6 times before we left for the 4WD adventure if we should leave it until a more sunny weekend.

Little did I know that was the best kind of weather for driving with 4 wheels and getting your car REALLY muddy. AND the best fun is when someone gets stuck in the mud and we get to yank them out.

The river crossings were raging and after we crossed this part a dog swam over and then a dirt bike.

Elizabeth and William were so happy to play on the blanket and they were both so good in the car for the 5 hour round trip.

Jack threw rocks in the river and he loved chatting to Gye and Maryanne on the radio.

The sun came out for lunch and although it was windy no one was blown away. We were lucky enough to see 2 rainbows and even an emu running across the road.

As it grew darker and rained a bit more Gye found some more mud and Stu drove through it like a maniac.
Gye had a more sensible approach. This is how it was meant to be done.

We had an excellent day and such a great adventure. We know our favourite Dad had a great day too. Can you tell?

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