Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Goodbye to Playgroup

Playgroup has been a blessing this year with 2 children at home. When you walk in you are always welcomed with a cuppa and a chat. It's wonderful to talk to people who have the same day to day stuff to talk about.

The boys have grown so much and when we started I wasn't able to take my eyes off Jack for a second without him pushing or snatching a toy. He's the big boy of the group now and he can be helpful with cleaning up and starting good games with the other boys.

William started off swaddled in his capsule and is now walking around and playing with the bigger kids. It's amazing how much he has grown. He loves his little friends too. Their mother is amazing with 3 babies under 3. I never complain about lack of sleep or hhow hectic things are in front of her!

The kids had Christmas carols and a Christmas feast.

Jack and I made sugar cookies - Reindeer and Christmas Trees by his request

They played with their favourite doll house while I had a hot cuppa. I love playgroup and we all will miss it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Steps

For the past two weeks weeks William has taken up to 4 steps at a time without really realising he was walking. Today at Nanna's house he was holding Aunty Deliah's hand and she let him go and then he took about 10 steps to reach mum. Aunty Deliah and Nan got him to do it again and when he realised how clever he was he was letting go and toddling around, up to a dozen steps each time. Very exciting! William learnt to walk today and just one week before I go back to work.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bath Time

Jack was always cautious around water as a baby but William is like a fish. It's probably because he has his big brother to show him the ropes. After dinner William is always exhausted and ready for bed but the bath brings him back to life. They play together in there for more than half and hour every night until they come out with wrinkles on their toes. It's great to have a brother.

And it's no wonder I keep having deja vu!

November 2007

Thursday, November 25, 2010


You can tell it's summer around here. It's still light at 8 pm and every day is full of sunshine.

Oh and guess what the boys found from freecycle. Cool!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gye's Birthday

Jack and William had the most awesome time out at Gye and Maryanne's block. Jack especially loved finding the animals in the bush. He made a list on the way and started his 'scavenger hunt' for wildlife the minute he got there. First thing he said this morning was 'That was fun at Gye's place.'

William loved swimming in the river.

Jack was finding rocks for dad's fish tank.

And sleeping in the tent was very exciting.

Elizabeth was an excellent host.

Stu cooked a roast lamb on the campfire and it was delicious.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

On the move

William has just realised that he can take a couple of steps and stand without holding anything.

He was also refusing to drink out of his baby sip cup so when we gave him one just like Jack's cup he was happy again and stopped yelling at Jack.

He took 3 steps just the other day which was very exciting. I will make sure to have the video camera on him for the next month or so to capture some more wobbly steps. I love the video of Jack's first steps on Christmas day, so special and cute.

Jack has taught him how to 'drive' the cars around the house and it's their favorite game. They have been playing in the sandpit every afternoon since it has been warm. Every single time I have to take their clothes off, shake them and then rinse William in the sink before I let them in. It's the only way I can keep the sand out of the house!

Stu says, 'What do you expect - they are REAL boys!'

Sunday, November 14, 2010


The Duncan brother's got their list to Santa this morning. William was more than happy to sit on the big guys lap and Jack took some convincing.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tea at Grandpa's Place

Grandpa makes great scones!

We all agree.

The Garden

Jack spent all afternoon digging out this plot for the potatoes that Nan gave him to plant.

William planted the rosemary inbetween the two seed potatos for seasoning. They also have corn, carrots, purple cabbage, beetroot, celery leaf, peas, beans, artichoke, tomatoes and chilies! Most of them were grown from seeds.

The Dams in Canberra are almost at 80% and the water restrictions have been lifted for hose use at any time. The rain has been beautiful this week and we have had the most awesome thunder storms and sun showers. It's amazing to see the lawn greener than it's ever been. The trees have all grown over a foot in the last month and Stu's beloved Kangaroo Paw are nearly touching the top of the fence with their beautiful flowers!

My mint has taken off. Enough mint to have mojitos all summer!

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Raffle Night

The brothers were so cute holding hands on the way to dinner tonight. I had to pull over to capture the moment!

And the gang was primed to win the electronics raffle but sadly no one did this week. But the kids had a great time colouring in and sharing iphone apps!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 months today

What a scally wag!

At 10 months William has 6 teeth. He has taken a step here or there on his own and he can stand by himself for up to a minute. He is into EVERYTHING and he is opening drawers and cupboards whenever he can. He is eating family meals and drinks his goats milk bottle 3 times a day. Being a stubborn and bossy baby he refuses to eat from a spoon and only feeds himself. We put a bucket bib on and newspaper under his chair for dinner and he eats lunch outside but we still manage to find rice and corn in the strangest places. Finally he is sleeping through the night and having 2x1.5 hour naps everyday.

He had his first course of antibiotics this week after his 3rd throat infection this year. He also woke up with a bloody nose and a fever one morning which really stressed us out but he is back to his funny ol' self today.

He laughs and laughs at Jack and gives cheesy smiles when the camera is out. He is bossy about getting what he wants and if Jack has something he WANTS IT TOO! Just this week he has his first tantrum when he was told 'no phone' he burst into tears and screamed and cried.

He is starting to talk and can clearly say, 'Jack, Dad, Nanna, No and Mama.' He is sometimes saying 'What's this?' 'Fish,' 'Puss,' and 'Yes' a couple of days ago he said 'wipes!' He can wave goodbye, clap hands and dance to music. He can shake his head for no or nod for yes. He is growing so fast and understanding so much! I don't miss him being so small, at this age he is a lot of fun!

Best Friends

Jack and Kai have been great mates since Justine and I had some time both being on Maternity leave together. They are just like each other and love to be boys.

They are still great mates 4 years on.

William's special friend is just 4 months younger and she is already as tall as him. They don't have much time for smiling for photos because they are so busy putting everything in their mouths.

William is teaching Elizabeth how to have a tantrum and lick all of the toys just like Kai taught Jack.
It's great for the boys to have kids their own age but it's just so awesome for me to have some great mum-friends who can drop by for a cuppa that always lasts half the day. These are the days I will miss.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tired Boys

Since William started sleeping through the night I have found I can have a couple of hours to hang out with Stu before retiring to bed so that he can play his games. The best part of my day is when I check on them before I go to bed. They are so innocent when they sleep.

And they are so beautiful. This is my special moment captured forever.


Even though he is so big. He still looks like the sweet baby I bought home almost 4 years ago.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Such a great look boys. Aren't they adorable?
Click on the picture to get the full effect.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

More Photos

The boys had a good time getting these photos done together. I was worried about how they would go since the last time I got them both photographed it was a complete disaster but this time Jack was in a great mood and William was willing to give us smile too.

I didn't plan to buy a photo of Jack but I couldn't leave this one. He looks so grown up. This face melts my heart and that is why he is so spoilt. I paid for his preschool uniform last week and although he is ready I'm not sure that I am ready for him to go.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Scary Driver!

William is a crazy driver. When he has Jack powering his engine it's best to stay out of his way.
We laugh and laugh at his silly faces.

They are so busy in the sandpit.

Xmas List

Jack has started to notice the Christmas decorations in the shops and Santa occasionally making an appearance on tv and he is starting to make his list known. So with that in mind we shall make it public just in case Santa reads his blog.

1. Telescope
2. Lego
3. Size 4 T shirts
4. Name stickers from Stuck on you
5. Suit case for holiday
6. Racing Car rug for bedroom
7. Racing Car canvas for bedroom
8. Matchbox cars
9. Hard cover books

1. Baby Board Books
2. Zhu Zhu pets
3. Size 1 outfits for summer
4. Bag for Daycare
5. Lunch Box
6. Hat
7. Suitcase for holiday
8. Xmas Train set for under tree

1. Memory Foam pillow
2. Queen Size sheets
3. King size quilt - feather down
4. King Size quilt covers
5. Tea Towels
6. Glass mixing bowls
7. TEA POT from Adore Tea!
8. Luggage for summer holiday
9. Electric toothbrush

1. 3X T Shirts
2. Size 12/13 shoes for work
3. Cook books
4. Steak Knives
5. Sharp Knives
6. Silicone Ovens Mitts
7. Shelves for GARAGE!