Playgroup has been a blessing this year with 2 children at home. When you walk in you are always welcomed with a cuppa and a chat. It's wonderful to talk to people who have the same day to day stuff to talk about.

The boys have grown so much and when we started I wasn't able to take my eyes off Jack for a second without him pushing or snatching a toy. He's the big boy of the group now and he can be helpful with cleaning up and starting good games with the other boys.

William started off swaddled in his capsule and is now walking around and playing with the bigger kids. It's amazing how much he has grown. He loves his little friends too. Their mother is amazing with 3 babies under 3. I never complain about lack of sleep or hhow hectic things are in front of her!

The kids had Christmas carols and a Christmas feast.

Jack and I made sugar cookies - Reindeer and Christmas Trees by his request

They played with their favourite doll house while I had a hot cuppa. I love playgroup and we all will miss it.
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