William is becoming accustomed to daycare for 3 days a week. He has got 5 new teeth all in the last 3 weeks! Is that a record? Stu is finding caring for 2 boys on Monday & Tuesday hectic and a lot less relaxing than when he just had Jack at home. I don't think he has sat down at all for the last 2 days before 9pm but he is keeping up the pace and doing a great job.
William waves goodbye always with a little pout face. Stu said he dragged his vacuum around the house all day like he owned the place while I was at work today.

Jack had another haircut and he loves being pampered. Even he, was impressed with the amount of hair on the floor after the cut. He also started soccer again this term with his friend Blake. They played a great game in the heat and were red faced and exhausted after.

Since changing Jack's diet his excema has almost completely gone. We have eliminated peanuts, prawns, cows milk and corn. I made the fantactic quiches on the weekend. I even impressed Stu. I cook with Goat's milk and he doesn't even notice.

And here is the 'before' shot of the deck. This picture was actually taken when we first moved in 6 years ago. I was going to take a photo of it as it was before the demolition but I wasn't fast enough and Stu had already taken his hammer to it when I got home from work.

And this is after the deconstruction. The boys also took out 3 big trees to make room for the 6 x4mt deck which will be finished in a couple of weeks! Gye took out his jack hammer and chainsaw and within an hour the deck was completely gone. That man is fast!

Thanks Gye and John for getting your hands dirty.
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