Since April last year Jack has been wearing undies during the day and even for naps. He was 'potty trained' at 2 and 4 months! Yeah... right :)
We could count the number of times Jack had an accident on our fingers because he is a perfectionist and if he ever had an accident he thought it was the end of the world.
Every night we would put a nappy on for bed and instantly Jack would do a poo and we would change it. Sometimes he wouldn't go if we didn't ask him if he needed to and he would have a nappy for us to change in the morning.
Since William was born we have gotten tired of this old trick so we had to start telling Jack the facts about GOING TO THE TOILET. We tried to bribe him and 'catch and grab' and make him sit there and read him books and even play iPhone on the toilet when we knew he had to go but he would just hold until he had the night time nappy on.
We told him if he went we would give him a chocolate egg. Then we told him he'd get a party and balloons and even a Jesse and a Bulls Eye but still no POO.
We got tricky and started putting the nappy on after he was asleep but he would hold out for up to 4 days until we gave him a nappy and said he HAD TO GO. Eventually (with Nan's advice) instead of giving him the nappy we gave him fiber. Coloxyl and prune juice for 4 DAYS. He walked around on his toes for 2 days and eventually he had an accident at home. He was horrified and he screamed and cried. Poor mum was starting to think he needed some sort of therapy.
It took another 2 accidents before the big day came.
On Thursday we had Anthony and Ellen over for dinner. We were chatting over dessert and playing dominoes with Jack when he ran off to the loo. With his head down and a smirk on his face he came down the hall and said, 'I dun a poo on the toilet.' AMAZING! 14 months after he was wee trained.
He had to do it by himself.
Of course all his wishes came true. He got his chocolate egg and his party with balloons, streamers and Hi5. In the morning he woke up to a Jesse and a Bulls Eye toy.
As you can see from the sticker chart he now goes at least twice a day for the lolly and the sticker. We would still be back at square 1 if it wasn't for Nan's encouragement and advice. The boy needs to go to the toilet Rebecca - he is THREE years old!
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