After an hour he had almost completed a level of Dora when it was bed time and YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN the meltdown when I said we had to pack up. First thing he asked about the next day was of course Dora. So we put a limit and said if he sat at the table for dinner and ate all of his meal he could play Dora again before bed and he ate his dinner that night like a saint.
So after the operation he played until he was too exhausted and then he asked Daddy to play for him so he could just watch. The next day he refused to drink and was very dehydrated so Daddy turned Dora into a drinking game. 'If you want me to help you you need to take a sip of lemonade.' After playing that game for an hour he had finished 2 CUPS of lemonade and he was feeling so much better. In the first few mornings after the operation he woke up crying and immediately stopped when the games started.
Without the V Smile we might have had to go back to the hospital to have a drip and we are SO GRATEFUL to the SMART Aunty Rach! Jack keeps saying 'Aunty Rach bring me these games!!' So despite not being able to talk much on the phone at the moment he is also very grateful. Thanks so much Aunty Rach!
NB The portable dvd in the recovery was also something that helped to calm the crying.
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