Friday, July 30, 2010

Food Monster

So every time you stop spooning in the food Billy thinks it's funny to bang, BANG on the table until he gets more! How rude, he's only 6 months old! If you take too long he scrunches his fists and yells.

I have no idea where he got that from.

Jack plays Dnd

Stu is playing DnD tonight for the first time in AGES so he left his miniatures on the table when he went to work. What was he thinking?

I think we have another nerd in the family. This went on for almost an hour.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little Bill

When I'm not exhausted I am simlply amazed by this beautiful face. I feel like the luckiest woman to have such handsome boys by my side.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


On the way to the zoo today Jack was super excited and asking about the animals that he would see. "Is there a monkey at the zoo? How about a lion?" So we thought it was very funny when he asked, "Is there a dragon at the zoo?" "Why NOT?"

It was the most glorious 15C winter day in Canberra so we were off to the zoo despite the boys having a terrible sleep with coughing and sneezing all night long. Jack decided that he would be in charge of the map and thanks to Dora he was actually quite good at telling us what was coming up next and which way we needed to go.

Poor William was over it pretty quickly. He didn't care about anything but food and sleep today.

Jack loved the giraffes and was scared of the lions and the sharks.
And mum was doing ok for having only slept 6 hours for the past few nights.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


There was nothing much going on this morning around the Duncan house......

Until about 1.30 when we went down to Pialligo and the winner of the Babies in Beanies competition was announced. As you can see our winner absolutely lapped up the attention. It's a prize he will treasure for the rest of his life. His mum is proud as punch!

Special thanks to John and Dad!

Tummy Troubles

William is not a good sleeper like his brother was. Every time he wakes I hold him upright and he needs to burp. He reminds me of a burpy doll. It has been at least 2 months since I saw my bed for more than 4 continuous hours. *woe is me* Today he has a fever and Jack has a sore tum. They have both woken up with runny noses and sneezing.

Despite each of them waking up at least 3 times each last night they are always in a good mood in the morning. Cheeky antics and smiles and I have a dressing gown a a hot cup of tea. One day this house will sleep again.

Friday, July 23, 2010

2 Morrow

Stu was telling Jack that after he had a sleep he would see Kai tomorrow when Jack told him that he would not see Kai TOMORROW but ONE-MORROW!

That would be logical.

Identity Crisis

When he was asked to pick a toothbrush last week he immediately picked out the pink Dora brush. Then he put it straight back and said, 'that one's for girls.' Despite my arguement he was sure that one was for girls.
'What about this purple one with Dora? Is this for girls or boys?'
'Purple is good Jack. Get that one.'
'No I need Diego cause I a boy.'

Funny thing was that when he had to choose a yogurt he always chooses the pink one with the Disney Princesses.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

6 months

Still waking twice or sometimes 3 times a night. Sleeping well during the day and eating 3 solid meals. Those 00 clothes are getting tight and he is still as cute as ever. Drinking from bottle? Nope.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Look at that concentration.

Hopefully if you have stumbled upon this blog after searching for "3 year old + tonsillectomy" you will find this invaluable piece of information. 2 days before Jack had his surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids, SMART Aunty Rachael dropped off his very own game system to aid his recovery.

After an hour he had almost completed a level of Dora when it was bed time and YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN the meltdown when I said we had to pack up. First thing he asked about the next day was of course Dora. So we put a limit and said if he sat at the table for dinner and ate all of his meal he could play Dora again before bed and he ate his dinner that night like a saint.

So after the operation he played until he was too exhausted and then he asked Daddy to play for him so he could just watch. The next day he refused to drink and was very dehydrated so Daddy turned Dora into a drinking game. 'If you want me to help you you need to take a sip of lemonade.' After playing that game for an hour he had finished 2 CUPS of lemonade and he was feeling so much better. In the first few mornings after the operation he woke up crying and immediately stopped when the games started.

Without the V Smile we might have had to go back to the hospital to have a drip and we are SO GRATEFUL to the SMART Aunty Rach! Jack keeps saying 'Aunty Rach bring me these games!!' So despite not being able to talk much on the phone at the moment he is also very grateful. Thanks so much Aunty Rach!

NB The portable dvd in the recovery was also something that helped to calm the crying.

3 + Toys are COOL

Here is Jack with his first electric drill and mechanic set. He put the motorbike together all by MYSELF!

I am constantly amazed at how much he is learning at this age. It's awesome!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Train spotting

Here is William's first biscuit to celebrate his 1/2 birthday. 2 minutes after this was taken the biscuit was gone and the bib was no longer white. Mum & Dad indulged in chocolate mousse and teppanyaki.

Below is William in Molly & Oscar's walker. Thanks to Aunty Rach he can finally get to the train table.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

5 Days later

It's been 5 days since Jack's surgery and he is doing ok. His energy goes from zero to normal in the space of minutes depending on how much pain he is in. We took him to Medicare yesterday and it was all too much. He has dark circles under his eyes from waking at night with nightmares and pain. The eating and drinking is going well today but when the strong pain killers run out we have to hold him down to take them so that he can swallow again. We went to Jule's place last night and it was so quiet. He still isn't there yet.

He almost found himself in time out this morning for being too rough with his brother. A sign we are feeling better.

I had to post this picture of William and Scsi because they are the best of mates. William is always looking out for her, chasing her in the walker and patting her head when he can. She comes up and kisses him on the head when he is laying on the floor. Scsi loves to sleep on the chair in Will's room so she can keep an eye on him and she has never jumped into his cot.

Here are the boys this morning. Mum was trying to pack away some clothes for William to grow into when we found ourselves in a race car. The container had wheels but it was only half a dozen laps before the engine wore out :)

Will's first words....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

On the mend

I am ready to have my cheeky boys back now! Jack has been such a trooper but it's just too quiet around here. He is taking codine and panadol regularly as he isn't able to swallow without them which has led to some dehydration and dizzy spells. I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk outside this afternoon and he said, 'no, not today.' It's just not him.

William is also unwell and spiked a fever this morning. It turns out that he has a sore throat too and an unsettled tummy. He is still smiling despite being unable to sleep for long. When Jack had his first night time fever he screamed the house down. William just cooed and couldn't get back to sleep without some time in the swing.

It might seem that William is dying for some attention as we have all been so focused on Jack. He said his first words the night after the surgery, 'bub ba' and then he said 'dad da' to Stuart too.

Video to follow.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Home Already

Jack is home already from his tonsil and adenoid surgery this morning. He was happy and excited to go into the surgery and got a ride on the bed but when he came out he screamed until he fell asleep with a good measure of codeine. He woke up after a good sleep and sat up in the bed and ate jelly and drank apple juice. It's been a long day and it's only 2pm!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Potty Story

Since April last year Jack has been wearing undies during the day and even for naps. He was 'potty trained' at 2 and 4 months! Yeah... right :)

We could count the number of times Jack had an accident on our fingers because he is a perfectionist and if he ever had an accident he thought it was the end of the world.

Every night we would put a nappy on for bed and instantly Jack would do a poo and we would change it. Sometimes he wouldn't go if we didn't ask him if he needed to and he would have a nappy for us to change in the morning.

Since William was born we have gotten tired of this old trick so we had to start telling Jack the facts about GOING TO THE TOILET. We tried to bribe him and 'catch and grab' and make him sit there and read him books and even play iPhone on the toilet when we knew he had to go but he would just hold until he had the night time nappy on.

We told him if he went we would give him a chocolate egg. Then we told him he'd get a party and balloons and even a Jesse and a Bulls Eye but still no POO.

We got tricky and started putting the nappy on after he was asleep but he would hold out for up to 4 days until we gave him a nappy and said he HAD TO GO. Eventually (with Nan's advice) instead of giving him the nappy we gave him fiber. Coloxyl and prune juice for 4 DAYS. He walked around on his toes for 2 days and eventually he had an accident at home. He was horrified and he screamed and cried. Poor mum was starting to think he needed some sort of therapy.

It took another 2 accidents before the big day came.

On Thursday we had Anthony and Ellen over for dinner. We were chatting over dessert and playing dominoes with Jack when he ran off to the loo. With his head down and a smirk on his face he came down the hall and said, 'I dun a poo on the toilet.' AMAZING! 14 months after he was wee trained.

He had to do it by himself.

Of course all his wishes came true. He got his chocolate egg and his party with balloons, streamers and Hi5. In the morning he woke up to a Jesse and a Bulls Eye toy.

As you can see from the sticker chart he now goes at least twice a day for the lolly and the sticker. We would still be back at square 1 if it wasn't for Nan's encouragement and advice. The boy needs to go to the toilet Rebecca - he is THREE years old!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Aunties

Jack and William are so lucky to have these Aunties. They love them like they were their own kids. (AND they are gorgeous) It's awesome to have sisters. I'm so glad that Jack and William have a brother too.