Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday Boy


Jack had the most awesome birthday today. Last night we took Will to Nan R's house for his first visit and he was so good in the car. Jack loved all of his presents and all of the dinosaurs that he got. This morning there was more excitement with so many presents and Jack loved his scooter. When Molly came to play we rode the scooter to the park.

Will loved the walk and it was a cool 23C today.

After a long nap Grandpa and the uncles came over and we enjoyed pasta, curry and ribs for dinner followed by a Ben 10 cake. Mum is exhausted!

Grandpa suggested to Jack that he would take Will home and Jack yelled, 'No that's my brother and I'll hold him!' as he tried to snatch Will away from Grandpa. Grandpa said that his boys were just the same when they were little.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday gorgeous godson. Welcome to the world Will. Love your new blog.
