Friday, February 19, 2010

True Love

Stu left me home with a slow cooked roast pork. The only problem was that I wasn't home that day. The boys and I were at playgroup in the morning and had shopping to do in the afternoon.

So the roast was a little crispy by the time we got home....

And the fire was a little bit HOT!

It had a lovely smokey flavour.

We celebrated Valentines day/ Pancake day with more food.

We had a great time at the Botanic gardens with Molly. Jack fell in this pond right after I took this picture. It was lucky that we still carry a spare pair of shorts but the new shoes squelched around for almost 2 hours. It was also lucky that the picnic rug survived as Jack carried it around like it was his prize. He was so looking forward to having a picnic and every time we stopped he started to pull the rug out. As soon as we got to the garden he said, ' Wow, it's amazing Mummy!' with big round eyes.

True love doesn't happen straight away and it can catch you by surprise. Just when you finally get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep and your baby gazes at you with loving eyes and a gummy smile. That's when you know you could go another few months without much sleep.

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