Sunday, November 18, 2012

First Camping Trip - Top 10

  1. When we arrived on dusk at our site there wasn't a drop of rain but a rainbow appeared over our site.

2. The boys were happy to chat for a while before going to sleep, snug and warm in their million star accommodation.

3. There were plenty of surprises for Gye's birthday. Lolly bags with water pistols and bubble wands were a big hit with the boys. Stu was suitably impressed with the themomix cake.

4. Time with Dad on the weekend.
5. Canoes on the dam on a perfect day.

6. Jack paddles me all around the dam while I sit back and soak up the sun.

7. Visiting the park before 7am. Not on my top 10 but it was definitely exciting for the kids and a good way to let others sleep in.

8. Cute Mr & Miss 2 spent over an hour sitting like this in the sand while the big kids rode bikes around them. 

9. The tent attracted monarch butterflies to Jack's delight. His butterfly net came in good use for sneak attacks catch and release.

10. Happy and gorgeous kids. Creating memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Happy Birthday Gye!
Wyangala Dam 98%

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