Monday, August 29, 2016

Watchorn Close

So after 2 weeks of work the results look just fabulous. The house and the yard have never looked so beautiful.

Stuart and I took a quiet day to oil the deck and it looks enormous without the extra furniture.  

I had a lot of fun buying beautiful pieces to make it all look modern and chic. 

Joel's paint work is flawless and the kitchen looks magazine style. For a 20 year old kitchen it is doing very well.

The carpet only went in late on the night before the photos were due to be taken. It was a very long evening putting beds together and vacuuming again. All of the cushions and throw rugs really make it picture perfect.

The boys were happy with their made over bedrooms and seeing it all come together made them want to move back in.

Moving DAY

It took much longer than expected to pack/sort and clean the kitchen.

We enjoyed our last picnic-style dinner at our house and went to bed early. Aunty Erin, Aunty Rachael and Tommy came along to help with dismantling beds and blinds. They were a life saver and ensured that everyone had a lunch break.


The removalists came on time and moved everything in 3 hours. 90% of the house contents was moved into storage which we are able to access at any time. 5% was moved to Grandpa's house and 5% was left for styling the house for sale.

We set up the boys room the weekend prior to moving so we all slept very well after moving day. The cat was also very happy with her new bedroom. 

Joel from Steenbergen Painting started painting the entire house the following day and Alex from Gumtree gave our table a fantastic make over.

Tori's holiday home, Birthdays and Garden Make Over

I took 2 weeks off work to make sure all house things were running smoothly which was wonderful for everyone. Aunty Erin and Arrabella kindly agreed to take Tori while we are in-between houses. Tori was very happy when she found the enormous backyard. She hasn't even missed us once. 

Juliette bought me this fantastic spiral tool for my birthday which makes all kinds of spiral everything! 

The urban family enjoyed a Turkish feast for my birthday.

Uncle Mike had a big 30th birthday with all of his friends.

Nan, Pop, Uncle Mike, Barry and Deliah came to do a garden make over the day after the party and the transformation was amazing. They added potted colour in every corner and spread a whole trailer load of mulch on the garden beds. 

The boys worked hard all day even after they played soccer that morning. Uncle Barry mowed and edged while Nan pressure washed pavers and concrete. Stu made a slow cooked basil chicken with Roti and Lamb Korma. It really was a team effort. Pop supplied Tim Tams and chocolates for dessert.

The following day William decided he really needed an urgent haircut so we took him to the no-appointment-necessary barber and this happened. It wasn't exactly what he asked for but he was very impressed with the result. Then I wondered...... why did we decide to move house on a full moon?!

Sort, Donate, Pack

It's been a whirl wind month and we've never been busier. Let me update you on our biggest adventure yet. 

William and Matthew attended a chess competition and both did very well while back at base camp our life was on the lawn. So many pieces were sent to the Salvos and lots to Free-Cycle. Some antiques made it to auction at the Auction Barn which was very successful. There were a few things that unfortunately made their way to the tip.

Most things stayed the same and we did a bike ride at Stromlo with wine and strawberries courtesy of Jules.

Our 15 year old table was sent off for a make over and all of the toys were sorted and boxed. Each room took at least a day to sort/cull and pack.

There were a few mornings when soccer was cancelled due to the wettest season in years but when they played they put in 100%.

Grandpa introduced us to his friend Wendy who makes the most amazing Chinese Dumplings. They made over 250 dumplings just today.