Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Milestone

Luckily for me breast feeding was easy. It was FREE and didn't require any heating or washing bottles. I planned on feeding them both until their first birthday but right on 9 months old William decided to wean himself. They both needed to have a bottle once a day from 6 months so that I could occasionally get my hair done or go to work but other than that I fed both exclusively from 3.5kgs until until they were over 8kgs.

In some cultures the woman and her child are honored after weaning, since they have each completed a major passage from one stage of life to another. So as I haven't fed my last baby in over a week, I feel my body has adjusted and is once again my own so I will honor it with a jug of Margarita. Although I am somewhat sad that my babies aren't dependent on only me anymore and my biggest baby is starting preschool soon. I find happiness in the fact that for over a week I have slept for 8 hours solid every night and I feel SO GOOD.

Thank God for bottles and formula! Amen.

Oh and Dads are pretty good too.

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